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Issue 187 (Summer 2014) - Escape Windows

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This month we show you how to escape Windows for good with a foolproof guide to installing Linux. Enjoy the power and freedom of the world/'s greatest operating system, with a safe and secure back up guide. We/'ll also show you how to dual-boot to keep all your existing files and programs.

Also this issue we/'ll show you how to master WINE to emulate Windows games and programs in Linux, explain how to run and install your own virtual private server and use a Raspberry Pi to build and host a wiki server, plus lots more!

As usual we also have top-notch coding tutorials, the latest reviews and more, only in Linux Format.

On the DVD: Linux starter kit: all the distros and tools you need to make the switch! Includes Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Mint 17 and SystemRescueCD, plus HotPicks, tutorial code and more.


Escape Windows

We show you how to evade Windows and make a bid for Linux and freedom. (Nick Peers)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Run Windows apps on Linux

Jonni Bidwell sees double as he harnesses the heady power of Wine to tap into Windows software. (Jonni Bidwell)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Set up a Secure VPS

Stay thy LAMP stack-installing hand a moment while we give you a primer on VPS security. (Jonni Bidwell)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Driven by Linux

Alison Chaiken is an embedded developer and advocate for Linux in all things automotive – from better infotainment systems through to driverless cars. Richard Smedley asks for directions... (Richard Smedley)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Dr Brown's Administeria

Includes how to use authentication in Samba and thereby centralise all your user accounts in a Windows Active Directory. (Chris Brown)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


On the disc

Linux Mint 17, SolydX 201405, Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit), and much more. (Neil Bothwick)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

The best new open source software on the planet

Fotoxx, GNU Screen, Light Table, XBMC, XSR1, Instead, Kanboard and Digikam. Codecrypt Miniflux Xpdf (Richard Smedley)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


Terminal: Time-savers

The terminal has a host of handy tricks that will save you time and make your life easier. Neil Bothwick introduces a few of the most useful techniques. (Neil Bothwick)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Sysadmin: Back to basics

Mayank Sharma says you need some basic admin skills to use Linux effectively. Read on to find out more. (Mayank Sharma)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

KeePassX: Passwords

Still keeping your passwords on a Post-It note stuck to your PC monitor? Neil Bothwick considers a better approach to securing your accounts. (Neil Bothwick)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Wiki: Build a custom server

If you need to co-author a website with a group of people, MediaWiki could be the perfect tool. Mayank Sharma shows you how to get started. (Mayank Sharma)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Arduino: Kerbal Space Program

Make a bespoke controller for your favourite space-flight simulator. (Luis Villazon)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

 Coding Academy

Django: Build a custom CMS

You hate WordPress, Drupal hates you and everyone hates PHP. What can you do? Jonni Bidwell has a suggestion that will help ease your CMS pain. (Jonni Bidwell)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Bash: Shell programming

Marco Fioretti introduces programming in the shell – a way to make your computer work for you that anyone can try. (Marco Fioretti)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


Raspberry Pi Compute Module

Really serious about your Pi projects? Then this brand new iteration of the diminutive computer could be what you need, says Les Pounder. (Les Pounder)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Red Star OS 3.0

Comrades! You are running inferior operating systems. Jonni Bidwell requires you to upgrade to glorious Red Star OS 3.0 immediately. (Jonni Bidwell)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Linux Lite 2.0

David Hayward explores a fresh distro that’s as light as a feather. (David Hayward)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Scribus 1.4.4

New features and bug fixes are bringing the venerable program into a new phase of desktop publishing, as David Hayward finds out. (David Hayward)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Zbox EI730 Plus

Zotac releases an update of its powerful mini PC with Intel’s latest tech. (Simon Crisp)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

280X DirectCU II Top

Matt Hanson fancies building his own Steam machine – is this the perfect graphics card for it? (Matt Hanson)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Game reviews

This month@ Floating Point and Inescapable (Matt Hanson)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

HD media players

Clementine, Kaffeine, MPV, UMPlayer, VLC (David Hayward)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


News: All the latest news from the Linux universe

Open source cars, careers in Linux and virtual reality, plus lots more! (Matt Hanson)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

What on Earth: Open Invention Network (OIN)

Keith Bergelt fights patent trolls alongside this unique community. (Keith Bergelt)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.