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Issue 195 (March 2015) - Raspberry Pi 2

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The global phenomena that is the Raspberry Pi enters its next phase and is taking Linux with it, not so much kicking and screaming, but more skipping merrily through classrooms, workshops and coding clubs around the world. A charitable venture that was originally envisioned to produce a few thousand Pis has become an educational gateway to Linux for literally millions of new users. Crucially not any old users but a new generation of programmers, developers, system admins, kernel contributors, bug hunters and security experts. All open-eyed and open-minded to the open source way.

Boys and girls as young as seven are coding with Linux. I can't emphasise how vital this is, as it has been noted that the age of developers maintaining crucial elements of the Linux world are ageing. We jokingly call them greybeards, but unless a new generation comes along to maintain those distros the open source world is going to find itself in trouble.

That’s why it’s amazing news an all-new Raspberry Pi is on its way. We’ve got complete in-depth coverage on the Pi, with a report on the launch event. We’ll of course have more coverage over the year, so stick with us or even save yourself some money and subscribe.


Fedora 21

(Jonni Bidwell)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Raspberry Pi 2

(Les Pounder)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


(Mihalis Tsoukalos)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Get into Linux

(Mayank Sharma)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Dr Brown's Administeria

(Chris Brown)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Interview: Wynn Netherland

Matt talks to Wynn Netherland about the importance of APIs, testing and the joy of Ruby (Matt Hanson)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


Disc Pages

(Neil Bothwick)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


(Alexander Tolstoy)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.



(Neil Bothwick)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Minecraft Turtle Graphics

(Jonni Bidwell)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Livestreaming with Motion

(Kent Elchuk)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


(Steven Wu)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

 Coding Academy

Dynamic programming with Julia

(Mihalis Tsoukalos)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Python 3

(Jonni Bidwell)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


Civilization: Beyond Earth

(Russ Pitt)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Firefox 35

(Mayank Sharma)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 11e

(David Eitelbach)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Raspberry Pi 2

(Les Pounder)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

TigerVNC 1.4.0

(Mayank Sharma)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Wireless Things OpenPi

(Jonni Bidwell)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Scripting Languages

(Richard Smedley)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.