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No matter if you’re running a shiny new Raspberry Pi 3 B+, have an old one gathering dust at the back of your desk, or are simply looking for something fun to do this weekend, then we have the ideal project for you! A complete guide to building and controlling robots. We’re going to look at the parts, the code and how you can put a kit together to make a fun, affordable Pibot.
Falkon, Ternimal, Ddrescue, Wine, Polo, Bleachbit, Gnome Layout Manager, Fstransform, VLC, Daemon-vs-demon, Stupac (Alexander Tolstoy) Available as a PDF to subscribers.
Vulkan update, Sailfish OS 3, Linux on Chrome O,S
Collabora Online 3.0, KDE Slimbook II, Signal Foundation (Matt Hanson) Available as a PDF to subscribers.